Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tips on finding Interior Designer??

As shared in our previous post, we are in the midst of planning for our big day and our house in 2014.

We began our renovation research and planning in June and have almost short listed our Interior Designers and we will very soon be deciding a final one and preparing for the renovation already! 

So here we are on some tips which we thought was very helpful in guiding us on who to choose and all. 

1) Know your BUDGET; Spend within your means!! 
Stanley and I started saving for 2014 quite awhile back, we are very realistic and practical people and it is important to us that we spend within our means; no renovation loan and over the top budget. We are also very determine not to take a single cents from our parents, thus, knowing and having a budget to keep us in line is very very important. 

Here is a range of the estimated amount you may need for renovation. 

But again we are all different so it is best to know what you can afford and create your own breakdown of list and budget to work with. 

Part of our Excel Budget List! 

2) Know what you want and what you don't! 
Interior design might come with many ideas on how your house should look like and what you need to do. As much as we all need to keep an open mind to these ideas, it is also important to remember that you will be the one staying the house for the next many year and that you should know clearly what you want and how you want your house to be. 

3) Design a CONTROL to compare ID
Even with "2)" above different ID will interpret and quote u on different items, sometime, this makes it difficult to compare the ID price and all. Thus, What we did was after the first ID was to come out with a list of specific items we need. Thereafter, using that to distribute it to the ID for them to quote. This allows us to really compare the price items of the ID. 

A little sample of how the list may look like

 4) Research on the ID. 
Renotalk can be your best friend during this period. Knowing the ID you go to is important and what better place to do the research than Renotalk. Research will help you identify possible scam and bad name of ID which we don't want to be involved with. So,  do research before seeing them! 

Renotalk webbie

5) Don't rush into things! 
Do not sign contracts on impulse, it is important to compare and take time in finding out before you sign the contract. No matter what it is a lot of money, so do take time and think through it! 

The process takes time and should be an exciting process for the new couple. So we hope this will help you decide better and make the process better! 

Have fun!! =)