Saturday, February 28, 2015

CNY 2015!

2015 Chinese New Year! This is year is the first CNY at which Stanley and I go around visiting as a married couple, thus many things has change from here on. Beside giving out Ang Bao and hearing the non-stop questioning of when we will be having children, It is also about gathering both sides of the family and opening out house for people to visit!

The first time we have reunion dinner together, as it is our first year married, we decided just for this year, we do something different. Dinner was @ Hotel Royal @ Queens. 

Dad and Uncle in the same CNY outfit; Day of of CNY!! 

Me and Love on Day 1 of CNY!! <3 

The Yeo side of the family, where everyone gather @ Rena's place! 

CNY is always a period of Birthday Celebrations! All in all, people who are in our family and born during the period are my mum and dad, my brother, my cousin; yusi (born on the same day as my brother!) and also my aunt! 

Day 2 of CNY, my aunt birthday! 

My aunt and the ladies cousins! 

My aunt & my little brother! 

Day 3 of CNY! Dearest and me! 

My brother and me! 

Mummy and Thaddeus Birthday! 

22/02/2015! Mummy and Thad! 

Day 4 of CNY!! 

HGPV ppl gathered for CNY too!! It is great to have fun neighbors! 

HGPV Huat Ah!! 

Friends over @ our place for CNY!!