Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chill Bali

The September school holidays is always a chill time for me to fly away from the madness in school and take a break of the hectic term 3, before the craziness starts again in term 4. I always enjoy travelling in September because it is the time where by the O Level and N Level Design & Technology (DNT) coursework been submitted and finally i can get a break before paper 2 kicks in.

So off we go to Bali, a little island (not that little actually) in Indonesia. This trip is kinda unplanned despite buying the air tickets in Jan 2015. And therefore, it was really a time for us to relax and do whatever comes to our mind! 

Stanley catching Space Ball! 

Arrive @ Singapore Changi Airport for our departure and since we had our breakfast already, we decided to just chill and the transit lounge, and Singapore Airport being one of the best in the world is always updated with fun stuff to engage their guests! So we had some fun catching space ball; 3 tries per boarding pass and each space ball caught contains a gift, voucher or samples gifts. So we got like a facial product sample and also got to enjoy free coffee and tea from coffee bean all from space ball catching! 

Upon reaching Bali, it was about lunch time, and we had booked a private drive to come get us from the airport and bring us around Bali for Day 1 & 2. So he was very nice and offer to drive us to this place which sells tasty crispy duck and chicken. Food was great but maybe a bit pricey based on Bali standard. 

Stanley with his food, Crispy duck with super nice and spicy Sambal! 

After lunch we just spend the rest of the day visiting places of interest around Bali, we visited MONKEY beach, where by the monkeys are like really scary; they will snatch your stuff if you dont watch them well! We also visited a super nice temple that is off a cliff; beautiful view and great place to just watch the sunset! 

@ the beach! 

Cliff view! 

How beautiful is this?

us with a awesome view behind! 

got 2 friendship band from an old lady, kinda remind us of the good old days where we will make it for our best friends! 

Sat @ a little pavilion and really just watch the sunset for like an hour or so.
so pretty. 

a little fun with the setting sun. 

Dinner was kinda an eye opener for us as we always through Bali being part of Indonesia is Muslim, but to our surprise 80% of the population in Bali are Hindu, and yup, they eat and love pork! So for dinner, our driver drove us to this place which sells the best pork rib we have ever tried, the pork is so tender and the meat just fall off the ribs so easily! Really enjoyed the food and would definitely go there again when we are back! 

Stanley food, Pork Rib with Mee Goreng (fried noodles) 

Pork Rib western style!

After dinner, it was finally time for us to check into our villa, we booked Smart Comfort Villa @ Sanur Bali. Sanur is a quiet little town in Bali where by it is less tourist and more chill. Our villa consist of one bedroom, a kitchen and a living room and of course our very own private pool. Unlike the other huge villa, we find this more cosy and private for the two of us. 

Living room

Outdoor private pool area. 

Outdoor private pool area.


Being the adventurous me, I cant let my holiday go by without having some crazy fun and adventure. So, we decided to do a last min white water rafting @ Ayung River. It is a 2hrs route with a pit stop in between. The whole journey is 14km in total. So it was 14 km of fun and water! But before the water fun, it was like 30min to 45 min of walk in the jungle to the location. Up down up down, shag, it is really not for the unfit! 

Us gear for the fun! 

@ the pit stop! 

I am glad that stanley is fine with all the crazy adventures I want to have all the time! 

Pit shop; shop that sells food in the river! 


The package for the rafting is 30,000 rupiah per person and it includes a lunch set! Not enough for Stanley, but enough for me! Our journey continues after lunch to tea and coffee plantation, rice terrace and more temples. 

tea tasting! 

Temple visit. 

Temple by the lake.

high altitude, nice view! cooling too! 

Ubud Rice Terrace. 

Track here for like 2hrs. Love the fresh air and awesome view! 

track track 

Fun with him! 

lovely view!

Pretty right?

The temple visit continues with a special one that is built on a island off shore. When the tide is high, you can cross, when it is low tide, the space open up for you to go over. 

sunset view when we are there too. 



That is the temple, but sadly, it is tourist crowded, so cant get much of a nice pic as there are too many ppl around. 

Dinner was a must have in Bali; Babi Guling. We requested to eat at a local shop and our diver drove us to this shop where he always eat at. Food is cheap @ local shops compared to diners, but you must be able to accept that it will be run down as they are usually off the street, kinda like street food, but this is what Stanley and I love when we travel.  

Babi Guling, a mixture of 5 different ways to cook pork. 

Being the street food lover that we are, Stanley and I decided to walk to the local night market of Sanur and had a little adventure of our own before returning to the villa. So took a 20 to 30 min walk down the street in search of the market and got supper back for ourselves!
Night Market, Mutabak lady @ work! 

Mutabak; Prata wrap with duck egg mushroom veggie and minced meat. 


After a day of fun and madness, we decided to have a day of chill, relax and just doing nothing! We spent day 3 walking around Sanur, enjoying our villa, doing Spa and cafe hopping! Really enjoying life as it is! 

Ready to move! 

Starting the day with breakfast @ the Porch cafe Bali

Breakfast set comes with tea and this!

Burger for the man! 

Walk down Sanur Beach, a more quiet beach but still as beautiful! 

Bali style lunch! 

Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice) 

Date night @ Casablanca 

Casablanca is a little pub in Sanur, very western like and very fun one! We were there on a Tuesday night and it was trivia night; 60 trivia questions to answer and the team with the most correct answer gets a bucket of beer free! We are not that smart, trivia are tough! But despite not winning we had fun! 

Me and my trivia sheets! 

Food there! 

My @ work! 

After trivia night, there was live music. Great way to chill the night away! 

Stanley and I really enjoyed our night out @ Casablanca, and we really had fun there! We had a pizza, a side of onion rings, a main, a red wine, a white wine, a beer and a tea all for only SGD23! Can never have the same in Singapore, so definitely was great! Furthermore, food was awesome and the entertain we had we unforgettable! 

Last day, almost time to head home, we had breakie, go for Spa again, some last min shopping @ Sanur and headed to Kuta. Comparatively, I prefer Sanur a lot more than Kuta, Kuta is the main tourist area of Bali, and it feels more busy and along the street you will meet with ppl trying to sell you items @ sky high price and trying to con you even. So yup not my kind of place i guess, still prefer the chill and relax area of Sanur. 

Breakie @ Cafe Mona Lisa Sanur. 

Fresh fruits 


Breakfast for Champion! 

Breakie to chill

Toasted bread! 

Lunch @ Kuta before heading to the airport! 

Overall, I would say that Bali was a nice place to just chill and relax. We really enjoyed the culture there and love the villa. Will head back there again to conquer the other river that is used for white water rafting. Till our next trip!