Monday, November 30, 2015

It feels GREAT to draw with CHALK!

The favorite features of our home is our chalk board wall! For those who had been there, and written on it knows how fun and interesting it is!

Stanley and I decided on having it as we wanted a creative feature for our place! So having the the chalk board wall was GREAT! 

We got the decal from TAOBAO, and DIY on our own the entire pasting process! It took us 2 Saturdays to totally finish it! 

After the first weekend! 

Work in progress! 

Random Drawing after we are done! 

Since the wall, we had many friends and family who had came and sign on it, but as much as we wanna keep things the same, we decided to bring in some festive mood to the house by adding in Christmas Drawings to the wall! and for this we got our best pal in to help! My Forever Roomie Janice! 

So we googled for some inspiration and selected some designs to combine, and after some draft scribble on paper, we headed to the wall! 

Janice and I at work! Stanley taking photos! 

Final Work!! Happy X'mas! 

Friday, November 13, 2015

It's been more than 2 years!

Wow, it's been more than 2 years now!!!

When Stanley and I started the blog, it was simply to document our journey of getting our home and the route to our wedding, but as the blogging goes, we realize, we are able to help friends and even "strangers" in need and thus decided to continue to do it.

ROM @ Blue Ginger; 29 March 2013

Unknowingly, it has been more than 2 years of blogging, and we are indeed glad to still be blogging! And we will continue to share bits and pieces of our life here; as a document of the key memories of our life and also as sharing to help others who may be in our shoes or who are going to places we been!

A little background to those who don't know us, Stanley and I met when we where studying in NTU, and it was through Freshmen Orientation Camp in Hall 7 that we meet. Our friendship grew and soon we were together. Looking back it has been almost 8 years and we are glad to be happily married, and still loving our adventures together!

Double Date Trip to Phuket; June 2013

As we look forward to our 1st wedding anniversary on the 13th December 2015, we are glad to look back at the memories we have stored and shared in this blog!

Our Wedding Day 13 December 2014

Wedding Date Photoshoot Back @ NTU Hall 7 

And as we continue to journey towards our 8th year together on the 29th March 2016, we will continue to share our life journey through this blog!

We hope that it will help many through their journey of togetherness and cheers to love everlasting!

Our Trip to Bali, Sep 2015 

Perth, June 2015 

Random Dinner with Stanley Bro, Edmund! 
Key Collection Day; 23 May 2014

Let the Journey Continues... ... ...