Having decided and paid the down payment for our ID, the very first step into the designing work is to do tile selections. As we have decided to use homogenous tiling for both our living and bedrooms, we need to firstly select the tiles for our house before the 3D design can be done. However, before we select our tiles, both Stanley and I need to know what kind of feel or theme we want for our house. In short, this is the sequence of how things should flow after confirming your ID.
1) Knowing the general feel and theme which you want for your house.
2) Tile Selections.
3) 3D work by ID.
The tiles and flooring selection allows the ID to kind of blend the colours which is suitable for the tiles you have chosen. So before we went ahead to select our tiles, we look up some renovation books and online images to identify the feel or theme which we like. After much research, we decided we like a minimalist modern look, which have simple and classy design with colours like white, black and various tones of grey. From there, we have also decided that we wanted the living floor to have a slight contrast from the bedrooms floor; light colours flooring in the living room and dark colour flooring in the bedrooms.
Examples of modern bedroom
Example of modern bedroom with dark colour flooring
Examples of modern living room.
Example of modern living room with light colour flooring.
So decided modern will be our direction, however, me being me, I love bright colours and hence i look up online at how different colours can contrast with the modern theme and found some quite nice designs.
Grey, White and RED!
Colour contrast, can be done by little details or items you place in your house. After much consideration, we both decided to go with ORANGE! The bright and loud kind of ORANGE!
Example of an Orange theme kitchen.
Thus, with all this research, we finalised our theme as MODERN BOLD. MODERN; the Grey, White & Black. BOLD; the Orange.
With that we went to Hafary Balestier @ 560 Balestier Road for our tile selection.
Tiles on display!
Wall tiles!
More Tiles!
Colourful one!
The whole place is huge and it take quite a bit of time to shop around and short list the tiles which we may want. Really there are so many of them it may be confusing after some time and you need to regroup and focus on your theme again. After much short-listing and also going back to the tiles, eliminating and thinking, we finally selected a high gloss light colour tile for our living and a matt light grey tile for our bedroom. The tiles have little stripes texture and details which allows the living and the bedrooms tiles to match each other.
How the bedroom tiles will look like.
A mini sample of the bedroom tiles.
The living tiles. Suppose to be very glossy.
But the lights in the photo don't show. >.<
Next up, will be waiting for the 3D work and soon house will be in place! Can't wait!! Happy!!
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