Sunday, February 19, 2017

Baby S Full Month

I started planning for Baby S full month / baby shower since my 2nd trimester, I know super kiasu but I guess i was bored and enjoyed planning such party!

So with it happening now I am super please and excited! We booked the function room at my mum's condo and sent out the invites like 2 weeks before!

The theme was Safari and the card was designed by Stanley! 
So pro!

Cheesecake made by me! 

Cupcakes from Sweetest Moment! 

Candy Table make by us! 
Got the deco from Taobao and also the cup cakes stands! 
Food from me and also sweetest moment; tea set! 

Safari Cake from Prima Deli! 

Super nice and tasty cake! 

Family photo! 

The star of the day! 


The presents! 

Happy to share the special day with so many ppl who love us! 

She is my baby a photocopy of me! 

I love winnie the pooh and she is born on the same day as winnie the pooh! 
How cool! 

Cake set I send to school! 

From Choz!

For baby shower, the cake set was from sweetest moment and the buffet from kian seng! For my school i got from choz and for stanley company we got from bangawang solo

I would say that each company have their pros and cons and therefore the various option we have for the different needs. Sweetest Moment has great cupcakes! Choz has really affordable cake set and kuek tea set! Bangawang Solo is great is you just wanna give vouchers! 

And Kian Seng itself have never disappoint! always nice! 

And just like this she is 1 month old! TOOOOO FAST!! 

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