Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Checking of Defects

Before the Renovation begins, we need to check all the defects of the house, so here we are back at our BTO one day apart from the opening door day, to check for defects! It is good to do it on different day so that you can really see what you need to bring down. But anyway here are a list of items we had so that it makes checking of defects a more enjoyable thing to do!

*blue denotes Stanley's words
1) mini table (From NTUC)
2) 2 x mini stools (From NTUC)
3) measuring tape (To make any measurements you make like to make)
4) screw drivers (+ screwdriver, to remove the screw on the water meter before you can use the handles which you can find in the letter box to turn on the water supply)
5) HDB defects report paper (To report any defects)
6) masking tapes (To indicate the defects location)
7) marker (To write down the number sequence of the defects on masking paper)
8) pen (To write on the defects report paper.. DUH?)
9) wet wipes (Clean hand, and also to wipe off any stains which are actually removable and not defects)
10) tissues (Wipe mouth after food lo)
11) newspaper (To lay at the service balcony to see there is a need for window during raining days.)
12) water & food (Eat and drink lo..)
13) Fan (For hot weather)
14) LED portable night light (To test the pre-installed power plug)
15) Multi-plug (For my fan and charger)

So, Stanley pick me up from school and we head down to the BTO site, but since it was lunch time we decided to "da bao" lunch and eat there. It is a nice and sweet experience to do with your love one since it is like the first meal at our love nest before any work starts.

So here we are, all set up!

Mini table & stool and fan! 

Lunch of rice and Mac! 



After lunch the real work starts! Have masking tape and marker ready to label all the defect, we kind of label it according to numbers and we follow the number when we list them down in the defects report paper. The masking tape helps both you and the contractor to identify the places where the defects are easily. We also went room to room so that it is easier for us and it helps to ensure that we cover all grounds! 

LED lights to check all the plugs. Newspaper to check if water splash into the service yard when it rains. It will take at least a few hours to check everything and to note them down. 

So here are some of defects found!

Most serious is this, the water main was leaking! 

Turn on the main for like 7mins and this happens outside the house.

Little chip defects in the utility cabinet.

paint falling off. 

After checking the defects all you have to do is to report to building services and they will get it fix in like 14 working days! You will have to leave the gate key to them and leave the main door unlock. 

Once they are done they will call you so that you can check again! 

1 comment:

  1. It seems like you really came prepared for that house inspection. It’s nice that you were able to do that together, so you can decide as a couple on how things will be arranged and such, while checking for defects and problems. That being said, it's really important to test out the electric sockets and plumbing during that time, so that you can have the defective ones fixed right away, especially if it’s as major as that problem with the water main. Anyway, thanks for sharing your home inspection experience! I hope that you’ve already moved in, and enjoying your new home together. Cheers!

    Steve @ First Class Inspections
