Sunday, June 8, 2014

Taobao Loots 2!!

So after the previous Taobao post on Taobao Madness there have been many of our friends who ask us about Taobao and also what we buy from there. So this post is to share more of our taobao loots. This is our 2nd batch of purchase, this time round, we when with Peeka as they were having shipping promotion if we purchase a luggage, which we did since Stanley and I travel a lot and the fact that we are moving to our new place soon means we need to own our very own luggages!

So items we got in this batch includes;

1) Luggage 24" 
2) Downlights x 14
3) Track light x 6
4) Track light track x 2
5) Bar stool x 2
6) Mens' shoes x 3 pairs
7) Toilet accessories 
8) Handphone cases (Redmi & Samsung Note 3)
9) Dresses
10) Boss Chair
11) Blackboard Decal 

Not all items has been installed and set-up yet, so we will just share what we can! =)

Boss Chair, Daddy's Day present for my dad! 

Bar stool that we help our friend brought! 

Downlights for our living room! 

Men's Shoes for Stanley! 

Our Luggage with the cover!

The Luggage! 

That's all the photos we have now, will update more when more of the items are up! As most of the are for our house, we will most prob update them when the house is all done up! =) 

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